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Friday, August 24, 2012

Loving this Book, Visit from Cousins, & a New Chicken Coop

Thanks to a review from 100 Days of Real Food, I ordered a book entitled French Kids Eat Everything by Karen Le Billon. The subtitle reads, "How our family moved to France, cured picky eating, banned snacking, and discovered 10 simple rules for raising happy, healthy eaters." I'm only half through it, but I'm loving it! So far, I'd highly recommend it to anyone who wants to teach their children to eat what is served to them and enjoy a wider variety of healthful foods. We've already started implementing some of the ideas from this book in our home. Can't wait to read on!

On Wednesday, my sister-in-law and her three children visited our new home. They were in the area (they live up near Portland, OR). My children don't get to spend a lot of time with their cousins because of distance, so this was truly a blessing. They always have such a great time together.

This is my youngest niece, Adeline, playing on her Mommie's cell phone.

This is my oldest and youngest sitting together.

A little friendly cousins game of volleyball.

Coco suggesting they play badminton instead.

All the Duncan grandchildren together - yep, that's mine who is crying and refusing to take the picture.

The girls have to stick together in the midst of all those boys running around. They got away and had some girl time and laughter.

Last week, I told you we were having a chicken coop delivered. We got it on Saturday, and it's so awesome! The girls (hens) love it, and immediately went in and set up home. They were scratching here and there making it just right. They are very happy! We bought barn red paint to paint it.

This is the back, which actually opens to clean it out.

There's three nesting boxes on each side, for a total of six.

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