Look how big the chickens have gotten! (Sorry pictures are poor quality - taken with my cell phone - my camera is broken.)
And we started tilling and planting for our fall garden.
I don't have more recent pictures, but we've already got rows and seedlings in the ground, as well as stakes up all around for a fence to keep dogs and predators out of the garden.
Also, for next week, I'll try to grab some pictures of the newest animal addition to our farm, the rabbits. My two oldest are each starting their own rabbitry, as they used to raise rabbits and wanted to do it again.
And, we got the pig pen all cleaned up in preparation for our three little pigs coming November 10th! So fun!
I had the privilege of hanging out with two teens this week who are at that fork in the road - one has already graduated high school, but has no idea how God wants her to use her life and what she's supposed to do now, the other is a senior faced with making decision about college, but not knowing God's purpose for his life yet makes him not confident to make those decisions. I asked them some questions, trying to steer them in identifying what God has created them to do. They replied with, "Geeze! These are hard questions!" But they both agreed the questions caused them to think about some new things.
Each human being was put on this earth on purpose - it wasn't an accident that God chose you to be on this earth at this time. He created you with a purpose, for such a time as this!
It saddens me to see how many high-schoolers and twenty-somethings, and sometimes even thirty-somethings, have no idea what to do with their lives. They flounder, not understanding what God has called them to do on this earth. High-schoolers waste away their days having fun and playing video games. College young people change their major three times before they graduate, and then go out and get a job in something entirely different than their major, because they discover they don't really care for the field they majored in. And they still spend their days unhappy, unfulfilled, empty, and playing video games.
My Pastor-Husband and I believe there is a way to avoid living aimlessly. We believe God has a purpose for each of us, and it's our job to discover what it is. We also believe it's very important, as parents, to help our young people discover their life purpose, from a very young age, so their days aren't wasted and they can live with true joy.
God has provided us many clues to discovering our purpose.
The Bible says we are all given certain gifts, and we need to discover what they are. We suggest you take approximately three spiritual gifts tests (there are many out there), and combine the results to find confirmation about how God has uniquely gifted you. Just search on the internet and you will find numerous tests online to choose from.
Ask yourself, "What is my passion? What weighs heavy on my heart? What do I love?"
What are your talents and skills?
We all have different personalities. Some of us are introverts, some are extroverts. Some of us are people-driven, others are task-driven. Your personality is not a mistake. It plays into your overall purpose.
God has orchestrated many experiences in your life that will lead you into your purpose. Some of your experiences might be awesome opportunities that couldn't have happened by chance. Some might be bad childhood experiences. Whether good or bad, God can use your life experiences in your overall life purpose.
Your God-ordained life purpose will ALWAYS involve helping others. That's just what God is all about. You may think that being a computer programmer does nothing for the Kingdom of God. But if you are being a witness for Jesus in your workplace, than you are helping others. There's always a way God can use your skills and abilities to glorify Him.
Employment may not always be in the area of your purpose. There are seasons when God may provide for you in an area unrelated to your purpose in order to get you to the next step IN your purpose. McDonald's may not be your calling, but he can use McDonald's as provision to propel you forward.
Think about the different parts of the SHAPE acronym for your life. Help your teens evaluate this qualities in their life. It's OK if you don't have all the answers right now. What's important is that you are looking for them - now that you're aware, watch for the signs in your own life. If you pray and seek God, He will begin to show you His unique design and purpose for your life.
And I would also add one more thing:
Don't get side-tracked by the world's definition of a successful life.
Don't let society define your purpose for you. God is creative. There's
not a mold you have to fit into. Be open to whatever path He leads you
on, even if it isn't mainstream. I do not believe EVERYONE needs to go to college. That's our world's standards. We don't live by those standards, but by the standards put forth in God's Word. Some of you can get all the training you need in an apprenticeship or a two-year specialized college. Others of you may find distance education works best for you, such as College Plus or Global University, and some of you may not need college in order to fulfill God's purpose for you. There are many ways to receive education and learn, and we all don't have to fit into the same box.
I pray you enjoy the journey God will take you on as you seek to discover God's unique purpose for you and your children. It's a wild ride that may have a few surprises, but promises to be full of joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction. There's nothing like living out your God-given purpose!!!! Nothing!
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